About Pathways

Life Gets Easier When Your child Can Talk With Ease


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Pathways Developmental Therapy

We Know What It Feels Like To Worry.
And Not Be Able To Understand Your Child.


You’ve likely wondered if there was a way for your kid to communicate with ease that helped him or her have more success at school. We know you want to be a proud parent, and it’s wrong that every classroom has at least two children who are not successful in communicating and expressing their thoughts and ideas.

At Formation Speech Therapy, we get it.

We understand the heartbreak watching your child struggle with words and at the end of the day, you are exhausted. For over 15 years, we’ve helped hundreds of kids just like yours overcome difficulty communicating and experience life getting easier.

Let me share a client story about Cindy.

We were highly recommended by a developmental pediatrician that we had consulted with about her son who was in kindergarten. We worked with the family for over a year so that he could articulate his thoughts and process new information. We identified the gaps, was patient and kept him focused on the task.

Then Cindy said, “At times, I’ve found myself humbled by what Angie can do with the same book or game that I’ve utilized so often; she taps into the less obvious, and less conscious associations that are being made, and works on ensuring my son’s ability to strengthen correct inferences and weaken those that may be confusing the issue.”

We understood his challenges and helped his family, teachers, and members of the team learn how to navigate them too. They got the plan, they implemented it, and her son got amazing results.

We are committed to helping your child communicate clearly so you can stop feeling worried about them falling behind. The process is simple – schedule a call, put the plan into action, and celebrate their progress. Once you schedule a call, you’ll have taken the first step for your child to achieve greater success.

We believe every child deserves to communicate with ease and you deserve to understand your child. We help you make homework time easier so that you can feel the joy of seeing your kid have more friends and have more fun in life.

Schedule a call so we can get started.

“We love Angie. She adapts to our child’s needs as they change and evolve, making sure her confidence remains strong every step of the way and that the sessions feel fun and fresh. Angie truly cares and approaches each obstacle that comes up with a myriad of ideas, thoughts, and wisdom with the overall goal of making sure our child thrives academically and socially.”
– Gina

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